Friday, 1 July 2011

Software Engineering (SE)

Semester: V

Subject Name: Software Engineering (SE)
Subject Code: 650001

Learning Objectives: To Develop Ability to:

• Understand, Analyze and Model User’s Requirements
• Select Appropriate Process Model Apply it to All Stages of Software Development Life Cycle
• Select and Apply Appropriate Design Methodology
• Decide the Feasibility of Using and Applying Agile Development Process
• Assure Software Quality, Select and Apply Appropriate Testing Strategies
• Select and Apply Appropriate Metrics to Estimate Software Size, Effort, and Cost
• Prepare Project Schedule, and Monitor the Project Progress
• Project, Mitigate, Monitor, and Manage Risk
• Understand the Characteristics and Applicability of Various Software Tools
Prerequisites: Systems & Object Oriented Design Methodologies
1. Process Models; and Agile Development (4 Lectures)
Introduction to Software Engineering; Prescriptive Process Models;
Agile Process; Extreme Programming (XP); Brief Overview of Other Agile Process
Models: Adaptive Software Development, Scrum
2. Principles of Software Engineering; and Requirements Modeling (7 Lectures)
Introduction; Core Principles of Process and Practice; Principles Guiding Each Framework

Requirements Engineering; Groundwork for Understanding of Software Requirements;
Overview of Eliciting Requirements, Developing Use Cases, Building the Requirements
Model; Negotiating Requirements; Validating Requirements;
Requirement Modeling Strategies; Overview of Flow-Oriented Modeling, Behavioral
Modeling; Requirements Modeling for WebApps
3. Design Concepts; and Architectural Design (5 Lectures)
Design Concepts; Design Model;
Architectural Styles, Architectural Design; Assessing Alternative Architectural Designs;
Architectural mapping Using Data Flow
4. Component-Level Design (4 Lectures)
Three Views of Component; Designing Class-Based Components; Conducting
Component-Level Design; Component-Level Design for WebApps; Designing Traditional
Components, Component-Based Development;
5. User Interface Design; Design Patterns; and WebApp Design (8 Lectures)
Golden Rules of User Interface Design; User Interface Analysis and Design; Interface
Analysis; Interface Design; WebApp Interface Design; Design Evaluation;
Design Patterns; Pattern-based Software Design; Architectural Patterns; Component-Level
Design Patterns; User Interface Design Patterns; WebApps Design Patterns;
WebApp Design Quality; WebApp Design Goals; Design Pyramid for WebApp; WebApp
Interface Design; Aesthetic Design of WebApp; Content Design for WebApp;
Architecture Design; Navigation Design; Component-Level Design; Object-Oriented
Hypermedia Design Method
6. Software Review; Software Testing; and Software Metrics (10+1 Lectures)
Overview of Review Techniques (ONLY 1 Lecture)
A Strategic Approach to Software Testing; Strategic Issues; Test Strategies for
Conventional Software; Test Strategies for Object Oriented Software; Test Strategies for
WebApps; System Testing; Debugging;
Software Testing Fundamentals; White-Box Testing; Basis Path Testing; Control Structure
Testing; Black-Box Testing; Testing for Specialized Environments; Patterns and Software
Overview of Testing O-O Applications; Testing OOA and OOD Models; O-O Testing
Strategies; O-O Testing Methods; Testing Methods Applicable at Class Levels; Inter-Class
Test Case Design;
Testing Concepts for WebApps; An Overview of Testing Process for WebApps; Content
Testing; User Interface Testing; Component-Level Testing; Navigation Testing;
Configuration Testing; Security Testing; Performance Testing
7. Product Metrics; and Software Project Estimation (5+1 Lectures)
Framework for Product Metrics; Metrics for Requirements Model; Metrics for Design
Model; Design Metrics for WebApps; Metrics for Source Code; Metrics for Testing;
Metrics for Maintenance;
Software Project Estimation; Decomposition Techniques; Empirical Estimation Models;
Estimation for O_O Projects
Overview of Project Scheduling (ONLY 1 Lecture)

Text Book:
1. Roger S. Pressman, “Software Engineering – A Practitioner’s Approach”, 7th Edition,
McGraw Hill Publications

Reference Books:
1. Sommerville, “Software Engineering”, 8th Edition, Pearson Education
2. Waman S. Jawadekar, “Software Engineering – Principles and Practices”, TMGH
3. Pankaj Jalote, “Software Engineering – A Precise Approach”, Wiley India
4. Waman S. Jawadekar, “Software Engineering – A Primer”, TMGH Publication
5. Shari Lawrence Pfleeger and Joanne M. Atlee, “Software Engineering – Theory and
Practice”, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education
6. M. G. Limaye, “Software Testing – Principles, Techniques and Tools”, TMGH
Chapter wise Coverage from Text book:
Unit No. Ch.-Sec. Nos. No. of Pages
1 Ch-2.3; 3.3, 3.4. 3.5.1, 3.5.2 28
2 Ch-4, 5, 7 68
3 Ch-8.3, 8.4, 9.1.1, 9.3 to 9.6 42
4 Ch-10 32
5 Ch-11, 12, 13 76
6 Ch-15 (Only Overview; 1 Lecture), 17, 18, 19, 20 96+10
7 Ch-23, 26.5 to 26.8, 27 (Only Overview; 1 Lecture) 44+10
Total No. of Lectures = 45 (Avg. 9 Pages / Lecture) 406
Accomplishments of the student after completing the course:
Gain an insight into the concepts of software engineering
Be able to cultivate the art of building good software
Would be better equipped in implementing software testing using testing tools,
test case designing and testing processes.


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