Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Syllabus | GTU MCA 1st SEMESTER | 610001-Fundamentals of Programming (FOP)

 The aim of this course is to introduce to the students the rudiments of
structured programming using C language. Students will become familiar with problem
solving techniques and algorithm development.
Prerequisites: None

1. Introduction to programming& Basics of C:
  Concepts of Algorithm and
Flowcharts, Process of compilation, Generation of languages, Basic features of C
Language like Identifier, Keywords, Variable, data types, Operators and Expression.
Basic screen and keyboard I/O

2. Control Statements:
Test Conditions, Conditional execution and selection, Iteration
and Repetitive Executions, Nested loops.

3. Arrays: 
Introduction to contiguous data types. One dimensional arrays,
multidimensional arrays, Array as strings, multidimensional character arrays.
Operations on strings.

4. Functions: 
Concept of modular programming, Using functions, Scope of data,
Recursive functions. Command line arguments.

5. Pointers: 
Need of pointer, Types and uses of pointer, Array and Pointers, Pointers
and strings, Pointer to Pointer, Pointers and functions, other aspect of pointers.

6. User Defined Data Types:
  Introduction to structures, usage of structure, nested
structures, Union and its usage, Enumeration types, bit fields.

7. Files: 
Types of files, working with files, usage of file management functions.

8. Linked List: 
Introduction to dynamic memory allocation, singly link list, operations
on singly link list.

9. Other features of C: 
Bitwise operators and its usage, C Preprocessor statements.

Main Reference Book(s):

1. Programming in C, by Pradip Dey & Manas Ghosh, Publisher – Oxford

Suggested Additional Reading :

1. Programming in ANSI C, by Balagurusamy, Publisher - Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Computer Science: A Structured Programming Approach Using C, byBehrouz A. Forouzan & Richard F. Gilberg, Publisher – Thomson Education.
3. Programming with ANSI and Turbo C, by Ashok N Kamthane, Publisher –Pearson Education.
4. Mastering C, by Venugopal & Prasad, Publisher – Tata McGraw Hill.
5. C: The Complete Reference, by Herbert Schildt, Publisher – Tata McGraw Hill.
6. Let us C, by Yashwant Kanitkar, Publisher – BPB Publication
7. Schaum's Outline of Programming with C, By: Byron Gottfried, Publisher Shaum Series.

Chapter wise coverage from main reference Book(s) :

Chapter 1 to 11 except 10.4-10.6, 11.5-11.7

Accomplishments of the student after completing the course :
After completion of the course students should become reasonably good at problem
solving and algorithm development. They would become capable of solving problems
using computers through C programming language.


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