Friday, 26 November 2010

system software material | question bank | SS Importatnt Questions

Unit 1 :- Introduction to System Software and Software Tools
Chapter 1 :-  Language Processors
 Define the following terms.

  1. Program
  2. Software
  3. application software
  4. system software
  5. Application domain
  6. execution domain
  7. semantics
  8. semantic gap
  9. PL Domain
  10. specification gap
  11. execution gap,
  12. Language Processor
  13. Language Processing
  14. Source Program
  15. Target Program
  16. Source Language
  17. Target Language
  18. Language Translator
  19. Detranslator
  20. Preprocessor
  21. Language Migrator
  22. Interpreter
  23. Problem Oriented Languages

  1. Procedure Oriented Languages
  2. Lexical rules
  3. syntax rules
  4. semantic rules
  5. Forward Reference
  6. Language Processor Pass
  7. Intermediate Representation of Programs
  8. Formal Language
  9. Alphabet
  10. Terminal Symbol
  11. Meta Symbol
  12. String, Length
  13. Null String
  14. Concatenation
  15. Non Terminal Symbol
  16. Production
  17. Distinguished Symbol
  18. Grammar
  19. Binding
  20. Binding Times
  21. Static Binding
  22. Dynamic Binding

 Write an answer of following questions in detail.
  1. Describe that how Language Processing Activities arise and how it is represented using domains.
  2. Advantages of Introducing PL domain between application domain and execution domain.
  3. Describe a spectrum (entire) of Language Processor.
  4. Explain Language Processing Activity (Program Generation & Program Execution Activity) in detail.
  5. Explain the comparison of Translation model and Interpretation model in terms of Advantage and Disadvantage.
  6. Explain Forward Reference with example.
  7. Draw and Explain Front-End of a Toy Compiler with Lexical Analysis, Syntax Analysis semantic analysis.
  8. Draw and Explain Back-End of a Toy Compiler with memory allocation and code generation.
  9. Explain Derivation, Reduction and Parse Trees with example.
  10. Explain different types of Grammars (Type 0, Type 1, Type 2, Type 3, Operator Grammar).
  11. What is ambiguity in Grammatic specification and how we can remove it?
  12. Explain Two Language Processor Development Tool (LPDT) LEX and YACC with example.


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