1) Explain the PL/SQL block structure.
2) Explain advantages of PL/SQL.
3) List the special data types of PL/SQL and explain it. (%TYPE & %ROWTYPE)
4) What is cursor? Explain in detail.
5) Explain parameterized cursor.
6) Explicit cursor handling using for loop.
7) Advantages of using procedure and function.
8) Explain procedure with example.
9) Explain function with example.
10) Explain trigger in detail.
11) Explain types of triggers.
12) Explain package.
13) Explain error handling in PL/SQL.
14) Explain named exception handlers.
15) Explain user defined exception handlers.
16) Explain types of Locks and level of Locks.
17) Explain concurrency control in oracle with its implementation method. (OR explain Locks.).
18) Explain if condition, For loop, While loop and goto statement.
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