1) List various data types available in oracle. Explain it.
2) What is constraint? List various constraints. Explain Primary Key.
3) Explain referential integrity constraint. (F.K.)
4) Explain business constraint.( check constraint )
5) Explain various types of joins in oracle.
6) Explain index and its types in detail.
7) What is view? Explain views in detail.
8) Explain sequence with example.
9) Explain synonym.
10) Explain group by and having with example.
11) Explain union, intersect and minus.
12) List various types of functions available in oracle. Explain aggregate function(group functions : avg,min,max,count,sum,greatest,least).
13) Explain string functions. (lower, upper, initcap, substr, length, ltrim, rtrim, lpad, rpad, instr, soundex)
14) Explain numeric functions. (abs,ceil,floor,mod,power,round,sign,sqrt,trunc,cos,sin,tan,log,ln)
15) Explain date functions. (add_months, last_day, months_between, next_day)
16) Explain conversion functions. (to_number, to_date, to_char)
17) List various collection types. Explain any one. (Varray, Nested table, PL/SQL table).
18) Explain grant and revoke. Explain role.
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